Download a Free Copy of Our Estate Planning Guide

A 25-page Estate Directory to help organize your financial life like never before (VALUE $49.95)

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What this Estate Planning Guide is all about...

Organize your financial life like never before for you and your loved ones!

Quality Record Keeping

An essential key in comprehensive financial and estate planning is quality record keeping. This guide will help you accomplish just that. This is best served as a supplement to a Trust or Will as it provides additional information not covered in other documents.

The Purpose

The purpose of this Estate Planning Directory is to help your loved ones and beneficiaries in taking the necessary steps to ease their transition when you are gone. This should be kept in a safe place with other important documents, but accessible to them.

Estate Planning Guide


(normally $49.95)

Suggested steps in using this directory:

  • Complete the document with your spouse/life partner so that you are both aware of it's contents.
  • Enjoy the wonderful peace of mind that comes from knowing that everything has been put in it's right place.
  • They can also guide you in crafting a "Last & Final Letter" which should be locked away with this directory in a safe place.
  • The Estate Directory should be reviewed annually to allow for any current adjustments to your situation - consider completing it in pencil in order to facilitate this.

But wait... I've decided to give you more!

The 4 MOST Important Questions 

As a special bonus I also composed a short series of FREE videos discussing the 4 most important questions you need to know NOW in order to not outlive your money in retirement! You will get access to these in the next page along with your Estate Planning Guide.

People Don't Plan to Fail

People don't plan to fail... they fail to plan. Failure to plan and procrastination are the biggest threats to your financial future. Watch these short videos and see if you are on the right track in your retirement journey and get asking these questions NOW!

Get Your Free Estate Guide & Videos Today

Download this Free Guide and get the videos to answer the 4 most important questions about your retirement!

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